all postcodes in L23 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L23 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L23 5RB 34 0 53.4882 -3.029835
L23 5RD 25 1 53.489052 -3.030127
L23 5RE 16 8 53.490271 -3.028438
L23 5RF 1 1 53.49069 -3.027755
L23 5RG 4 4 53.488273 -3.030557
L23 5RH 6 4 53.491083 -3.025955
L23 5RL 24 0 53.488795 -3.031703
L23 5RN 32 0 53.490086 -3.031116
L23 5RP 9 0 53.490485 -3.030659
L23 5RQ 36 15 53.490313 -3.0277
L23 5RR 35 0 53.489256 -3.030373
L23 5RS 21 0 53.490617 -3.028868
L23 5RT 20 0 53.490341 -3.029645
L23 5RU 41 0 53.491091 -3.028938
L23 5RW 18 0 53.489774 -3.030837
L23 5RX 11 0 53.490773 -3.02851
L23 5RY 35 1 53.490188 -3.026597
L23 5RZ 24 0 53.490474 -3.026679
L23 5SA 11 0 53.490901 -3.028257
L23 5SD 6 6 53.491915 -3.025403